PAST events |
Sabine Drama Club helps support Sabine Prevention Alliance by creating art content to help promote our message. Meetings will be at 6:00 PM at 259 Fisher Road in Many throughout the summer. We would love for you to join us!
SABINE PREVENTION ALLIANCESabine Prevention Alliance holds monthly meetings every 3rd Monday of the month at 259 Fisher Road in Many, LA. We encourage members of the community to come help us in our mission to keep our youth Safe, Sober, and Successful!
7/23/22 Community Forum Day - The goal of the Community Forum was to connect community sector stakeholders of Sabine Parish with information and resources to address risk and protective factors facing Sabine’s youth FULL ARTICLE
5/21/21 Community-School Day - The SPA provided an information booth at Ebarb High School for1st through 8th graders. Sixty-eight students were provided with infographics related to underage drinking, the health, educational, social and legal consequences.
5/26/21 The Children and Youth Planning Board meets at noon on the fourth Wednesday at the Sabine Parish Police Jury Room. The purpose of C&YPB is to develop a full continuum of care for children, youth and families. The Board is made up of representatives from Office of Behavioral Health, Juvenile Justice, DFCS, the F.I.N.S. Committee, the Sabine Medical Center, the Town f Many, Sabine Parish School Board, Sabine Community Connections, Parents and Youth. The group problem-solves gaps in services through communication, and coordination within the member agencies.
6/10/21 The Sabine Parish Drama Club met at the SPA office to begin work on revising Public Service Announcements for a six month run on three local radio stations and development of Improv scenes to be performed at Communities Talk town hall meetings scheduled for this fall. The club meets bi-weekly on Thursdays at 4:00pm. If interested in joining contact Mrs. Janet Elam at 318-729-3197
6/17/21 The SPA Coalition Coordinator presented a workshop for Outward Bound students participating in their summer program held at Pleasant Hill High School. The workshop was on the Prevention Plus Wellness SPORT program designed to motivate youth to practice wellness behaviors which have shown to reduce the incidence of underage drinking. The workshop presented data on 2018 CCYS data related to alcohol consumption in Sabine Parish. This workshop is available to any school group in the parish.
6/24/21 The SPA presented the Prevention Plus Wellness SPORT Program to the 8th grade math class at Ebarb High School's summer school. This is a two-session program designed to motivate youth to practice wellness behaviors which have shown to reduce the incidence of underage drinking. The workshop presented data on 2018 CCYS data related to alcohol consumption in Sabine Parish. This workshop is available to any school group in the parish.
6/29/21 The Faith-Partners is an evidence-based program to train local congregations in developing ministries to serve their congregations in education, opport and referral to services for members and family members struggling with addiction. There are five congregations in Sabine Parish participating in the Faith-Partner's program. The first Quarterly Networking meeting was held by Zoom on 6/29/21. Faith-based congregations or organizations wanting to know more about the Faith-Partners can call the SPA at 318-315-0081, 318-602-9206 or email: [email protected]